执法部门发出的大多数6686皇冠最新登陆罚单都被认为是民事违规. These include running a stoplight, 超速行驶, 非法转弯, 非法过马路, 或者违反了停车计时器. The penalty for a civil traffic infraction is usually a fine. Additionally, points may be assessed on your driving record. An infraction is a non-criminal charge.

If you have 刑事 6686皇冠最新登陆 or Misdemeanor violations included on your citation, you must appear before the judge on your scheduled appearance date. 

注意: 未出庭或未付款将导致承认责任,并将为国家作出判决.  




  • 由治安法官或民事6686皇冠最新登陆听证官进行民事6686皇冠最新登陆听证的权利.
  • The right to be represented by counsel at the hearing. 如果您选择由律师代表,您必须在聆讯日期前至少10个日历日书面通知法院, otherwise you waive your right to be represented by an attorney. The court does not appoint attorneys for civil traffic violations.
  • 有权询问指证你的证人并盘问他们证词的真实性.
  • 有权代表你出示证据,有权要求法院免费发出传票,强迫证人出庭.
  • 上诉权 the outcome of the civil traffic hearing. 有, 然而, 由于你没有出庭,你无权对缺席的判决提出上诉.


You may pay your citation or monthly payment to the court by money order, certified check or credit card. You also have the option to pay online.
If you are required to pay fines, 处罚, 由于本法院的判决,您无法支付的费用或其他财务义务, 将这一信息提请法院工作人员或法官注意,因为可能有分期付款或其他办法. Do not ignore your responsibility to pay, as this may result in additional 处罚 and costs to you. For more information, contact the court or an attorney.


A civil traffic violation does not require a court appearance before the Judge. You may enter a plea of responsible and pay the fine in person or by mail. Follow the instructions on the bond schedule provided to you by the officer. You will be required to pay the bond amount listed on your bond schedule. The Courts accept money orders, certified checks or credit card. Do not send cash through the mail. 您也可以在线支付 点击这里.


您可以通过邮件或在预定的法庭日期出庭要求民事6686皇冠最新登陆听证会. 如果你要求听证会,你就放弃了参加防御性驾驶学校的选择. You may post a deposit that is equal to the fine amount. You will receive a new hearing date. If you fail to appear on the new hearing date, your deposit will be forfeited. If you do not post a deposit prior to the hearing date, 如果你被认定负有责任,你必须准备好在聆讯当天全额缴纳罚款

Attend Defensive Driving School

If you received a civil traffic moving violation, 你可能有资格参加防御性驾驶课程,并有违规被驳回.  Find out more about Defensive Driving School.


After the conclusion of a civil traffic hearing, the State or the defendant may appeal the judge's ruling. The appeal procedure is set forth in Rules of Court Procedure for 民事 6686皇冠最新登陆 and 民事 Boating Violations 在 亚利桑那州修订法规.
开始上诉, 上诉通知书必须在最终命令发出之日起十四(14)个日历日内提交给原诉法院. If a Notice of Appeal is not filed within 14 calendar days, the final order can no longer be appealed.
There are two stages to the appeal process. The first stage begins in the Justice/Municipal Court; the second stage takes place in the 6686皇冠最新登陆. 所有步骤必须在两个阶段完成,以避免上诉可能被驳回.
The person who files the appeal is the Appellant. The opposing party is the Appellee. The Justice/Municipal Court is the trial court.
如果罚款已经全额支付,罚款可以在整个上诉过程中作为保证金持有. If the option of a payment plan is provided by the court, 在上诉过程中,被告必须遵守双方商定的条款.

参观 表格及表格套件 page for an appeal packet and instructions




  • 在治安法官面前受审的权利,在某些情况下,在陪审团面前受审的权利.
  • The right to be represented by an attorney at all stages of the case. 在某些情况下,如果你无力支付律师的费用,法院可以为你指定一名律师. 你必须提供证据证明你是贫穷的或无力支付律师. The court may require that you contribute a reasonable amount toward attorney fees.
  • 与证人对质并对其证词的真实性进行质证的权利.
  • 有权要求法院免费发出传票,强迫证人出庭.
  • 在排除合理怀疑前保持沉默和被推定无罪的权利.
  • 上诉权. 有 not right to appeal a guilty plea.

在初次出庭/提审时,您将被告知对您的指控以及可能的最高和最低处罚. At this time, you will enter a plea to the charge(s). You have the following plea options:


无罪抗辩意味着你否认对你的指控,而州政府将必须证明这些指控。. At this time, you may request court appointed counsel. 审判前会议将在晚些时候举行,你将被要求出庭.


认罪意味着你承认你做了你被指控的事情. It will result in a conviction for the charge(s). You may be sentenced at this time, or a Judgment and Sentencing will be set later.


A plea of 没有比赛 means that you are not admitting or denying guilt, but do not intend to contest the charge(s). In this case, the Judge will find you guilty of the charge(s). It will result in a conviction for the charge(s).


It is mandatory that you attend the 审前会议. You should appear with your attorney, if you have one. If you do not attend the 审前会议, 你将违反法院的命令我们将对你发出逮捕令.

预审会议的目的是让你与检察官会面,讨论你的案件. You will get a copy of the police report. 如果你被判有罪,检控官会告知你他/她打算建议的量刑. You will have the following choices:

  • 你可以接受检察官的认罪协议并将你的抗辩改为有罪或不抗辩. You will receive a court date for a Change of Plea. 当时, 除非法官不接受认罪协议,否则你将被判处认罪协议中的条款. If this happens, you have a right to withdraw your change of plea.
  • If you reject the plea agreement, a 法院的审判 will be set for your case.

如果你有律师代表你,你将和你的律师一起出庭. The Prosecutor will present the State’s case. 你或你的律师有权代表控方盘问每一位证人. You may testify on your own behalf. If you do testify, you will be subject to cross-examination by the Prosecutor.

If you are found 无罪, any bond that you have posted will be refunded. 如果你被判有罪,你可能会在那个时候被判刑,也可能会被安排在稍后的日期宣判. 如果被判有罪, 您有权在判决之日起十四(14)天内提交上诉通知,对定罪和/或判决提出上诉. The appeal is a review of the case. You would not automatically receive a new trial.

The following violations require an appearance before the Judge:

ARS 28 - 693 a
ARS 28 - 695

ARS 28 - 661 a1

Leaving the Scene of an Accident/ Personal Injury

ARS 28 - 661 - a2

Failure to Stop at the Scene of an Accident/Personal Injury

ARS 28 - 708 a


ARS 28 - 1381 a1

Driving While Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Drug

ARS 28 - 1381 - a2

酒后驾车,血液酒精含量为 .08或以上

ARS 28 - 1381 - a3

Driving While Under the Influence of Drugs or Metabolite

ARS 28 - 1381 a4

醉酒驾驶商用车,血液酒精含量为 .04或以上

ARS 28 - 1382 a

Driving While Under the Extreme Influence of Intoxicating Liquor

ARS 28 - 3473 a

Driving While Driver’s License Suspended/Revoked/Cancelled

刑事审判结束后,国家或者被告人可以对法院的判决提出上诉. The appeal procedure is set forth in 6686皇冠最新登陆 Rules of Appellate Procedure 在 亚利桑那州修订法规.
开始上诉, 上诉通知必须在最终命令发出之日起的十四(14)个日历日内提交给初审法院. If a Notice of Appeal is not filed within 14 calendar days, the final order can no longer be appealed.
There are two stages to the appeal process. The first stage begins in the Justice/Municipal Court; the second stage takes place in the 6686皇冠最新登陆. 所有步骤必须在两个阶段完成,以避免上诉可能被驳回.
The person who files the appeal is the Appellant. The opposing party is the Appellee. The Justice/Municipal Court is the trial court.

参观 表格及表格套件 page for a complete appeal packet and instructions.